FordExplorerhas beenpresentsince20yearsagoandhassold6millionunitsworldwide.Explorerstillbringsasolidandaggressivedesign,theexterioris notmuchchange.His formon his faceis claimedas a21st centurymoderndesign.Similarly,theinteriorusesmaterialfromrecycled materials.
The Explorer’s driver seat feels almost centrally located. There’s clear air between the chair and the armrest, with the door itself seemingly a foot and a half thick. The modern tradition of shoulder-height sills is fully respected in this car, as well. My transactions with the local Burger King gave me the distinct impression of being trapped in an oubliette, passing money and food through a distant trap door. It’s as far from the thin-door, narrow-body 1994 original as one can imagine, and it’s clearly designed to pander to all those perceived security issues supposedly experienced by female drivers.
By the numbers, the Explorer’s cargo capacity falls way behind that of the GM Lambdas, with approximately eighty cubic feet of max space versus one hundred and sixteen, but numbers might not tell the whole story. Real-world capacity probably isn’t that different, and the web forums are abuzz with allegations of clever measurement and fractions of cubic feet found in cubbyholes. Still, if you need the absolute maximum storage, the Acadia and siblings are the ticket. Same goes for towing: the Explorer tops out at five thousand pounds. To be fair, however, a Tahoe or Expedition would have far more towing and cargo capacity at a cost which wouldn’t be much higher. My experience pulling my race car on an open trailer with my Flex indicates that the D4 chassis is more than up to the job, but that the transmission just feels delicate. Serious towing with a sideways gearbox frightens me, and it should frighten you, too.
In thefrontbonnetmounted3.5literengine,V6,capable ofthrowingpower290hpand345Nmof torque.There is also a2.0literEcoBoostpetrolenginewithturbocharger.EngineExplorer2.0literclaimedby theFMChas thesameaggressivenesswitha V6 engine.This machine iscapable ofthrowingpowerup to237hpat5500rpmand339Nm oftorque. One reason why critics are looking closely into the overall weight of the vehicle is the fact that it can impact performance, carbon footprint, and fuel economy. With a lightweight design, the 2011 Ford Explorer model is therefore an eco-friendly option. Ford very recent announced that the Ford Explorer 2011 will come with optional 2.0-liter 4 cylinder EcoBoost engine that means it is turbocharged and comprises of gasoline injection. The new Explorer will offer at least 30% savings in fuel economy than its predecessor, which will make it the most fuel-efficient SUV in its category. Thus fuel economy will be boost up to 18mpg for city and 26 mpg for highway.The current model comes with Ford’s unique “EcoBoost” turbocharged four-cylinder V6 engine. It therefore delivers up to 275 horsepower and 280 lb-ft torque with fuel consumption similar to that of lower powered vehicle engines. This model also introduces a six-speed automatic transmission, with choices between four-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive to save more fuel.
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